Advisory Board

Ambassador Dragana Filipovic

Ambassador Dragana Filipovic


Serbian, 29/08/1958

Belgrade, Serbia







Highly experienced career diplomat with missions in bilateral and multilateral affairs, representing either country, or International Organisation, working in the headquarters, or in the field. Has provided leadership across the fields of negotiations, security issues, preventive diplomacy, mediation, post-conflict capacity building, implementation of judicial reforms, and promotion of democracy and human rights. Demonstrated skills in working in complex political and cultural environment. Key note speaker or panellist on issues related to conflict management, women’s rights, human rights, international law, religious and cultural diversity.


A result-oriented leader, one that is politically savvy, strategically minded and vision-based. Demonstrated capacity to define and implement policies, strategies, projects and prioritised action planning. Experience and results in policy planning and political analyses of international affairs. Leadership and management of teams result-driven, in line with the high standards of professional integrity and commitment.


Excellent communicator focused on building effective working relationships and promoting cooperation across different stakeholders. Demonstrated commitment and achieved results in supporting human rights defenders and political prisoners. Proven ability to build trust and consensus, to inspire and encourage.


Ability to embrace initiatives and innovation. Highly adaptable to different working environments. Able to work under intense pressure and tight deadlines while motivating others and to work harmoniously with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.





2017 - 2019

Ambassador, Head of Office, Permanent Observer of the Council of Europe to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva



· Representing the Secretary General to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva.

· Providing leadership in promoting and implementing the policy and priorities of the CoE in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHRCH), UNHCR, IOM, Red Cross, ILO and other UN bodies and International organization insuring efficient synergy in implementing Agenda 2030.

· Actively engaged in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process – providing input to the Human Rights Council related to the human rights situation in the CoE member states

· Supporting CoE SR on migration and refugees ( the Global Compact for Refugees)

· Cooperating with NGOs in supporting the promotion and protection of human rights.




2014 -2017

Ambassador, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Head of CoE Office in Azerbaijan Republic



· Representing Secretary General in communication with the Presidential Administration / Government of Azerbaijan on issues related to the statutory obligations of the country and implementation of CoE standards in the area of the rule of law, democracy and human rights. Supporting the judiciary reforms, negotiating and implementing the civil society dialogue between Government and civil society.

· Special assignment given by the SG to work with the Government and representatives of the civil society in facilitating their dialogue that resulted in release of imprisoned human rights defenders.

· Providing overall leadership in the implementation of the CoE Action Plan for Azerbaijan, supported by the European Union, which includes projects and programmes on reform of judiciary, media freedom and protection of journalists, strengthening capacity to fight and prevent corruption, civil society dialogue. Actively engaged in promoting rights of women, children and vulnerable groups.

· Advised SG and CoE leadership on political issues related to Azerbaijan and the South Caucuses including Nagorno-Karabakh, energy security and Central Asia.

· Facilitating visits of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly’s ( PACE) Rapporteurs and delegations

· Facilitating resource mobilisation and donor related activities with other international actors



2009 - 2013

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Serbia to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France



· Representing Republic of Serbia and working closely with the Council of Europe (CoE) representatives in implementing the standards and the core values of Organization

· Providing leadership and ensuring the efficient management of the Embassy.

· Actively engaged in improving the country track records in human rights, democracy and rule of law

· Taking active role in multilateral negotiations on relevant issues, such as the reform of CoE, monitoring procedures, minority rights, refugees, cultural diversity, religious freedom

· Participating in the work of the Board of the CoE Development Bank

· Organizing the high level visits and supporting Serbian parliamentarians during sessions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE



2008 - 2009

Director - Directorate for Americas (North and South), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia



· Developing strategy for strengthening of bilateral relations with countries of the North and South Americas. Initiating the new tracks of bilateral cooperation based on risks assessment and opportunities. Organizing the high level bilateral consultations and official visits

· Providing political assessments/analyses of countries’ current affairs and foreign policies priorities



2007 – 2008

Deputy Head, Research and Documentation Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia



· Providing leadership in defining priorities and coordinating activities with relevant institutions at national level

· Providing the analyses and information to the state leadership on global, regional and country specific issues – with primary focus on security issues, policy planning and crises management


2006 – 2007

Director for Cooperation in Combating International Terrorism and Organized Crime, Research and Documentation Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia



· Developing strategy for cooperation with relevant services and agencies in the region and worldwide aimed at fighting and preventing terrorism and organised crime

· Cooperating with relevant international stakeholders on the issues of religious extremism, money laundering and non-proliferation



2005 - 2006

Minister Counselor, Directorate for Americas (North and South), Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro,


· Advising Director on the U.S. foreign policy affairs and bilateral relations.




Counselor for Political Affairs, Embassy of Republic of Serbia and Montenegro to U.S.A. Washington, D.C.



· Engaged in the re-opening of the Embassy, contributed to the restoration of bilateral relations through active engagement with National Security Council, State Department, Congress and other relevant institutions

· Provide advice to high-level state officials on U.S. foreign policy including trans-Atlantic security

· Developing strategy for presenting Government policy on democratic reforms and regional cooperation.

· Leading Embassy outreach on the most sensitive issues of the South East Europe affairs (regional reconciliation, trust building, war crimes). Engaging in dialogue with senior diplomats on all aspects of the crises and post-conflict challenges in the Balkans.

· Preparing statements, briefings and reports.




Counselor for United Nations Security Council Affairs, Department for United Nations and International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of FR of Yugoslavia



· Analysing the UN SC members policy on key international issues and the peace-keeping operations

· Analysing the EU-US cooperation in war zones, crises management and post-conflict situation

· Developing initiatives regarding UNSC resolutions on Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

· Drafting policy papers.




Political Officer, Mission of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to United Nations New York


· Drafting position-papers and providing briefings and analyses of on-going multilateral negotiations with Contact Group countries for former Yugoslavia

· Involved in bilateral negotiations with representatives of Contact Group in drafting resolutions and presidential statements.

· Analysing the UN SG reports on South East Europe and Middle East issues




Assistant to the Under Secretary for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


· Cooperating closely with multiple Government agencies to support coordination of talks on Yugoslav crises with high level international officials

· Researching and drafting analyses and assessment of thef EU and US policy in the Balkans.




Attaché Department for United Nations and International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


· Preparatory work for drafting position papers and reports. Carrying out back ground studies/research



Trainee Yugoslav Commission for the Cooperation with UNESCO


· Preparing and developing projects for protection of national heritage of Yugoslavia.



Special Assignments

2000 Member of Delegation of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Readmission of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to United Nations, New York, U.S.A.


2000 Head of Delegation of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Stability Pact, Meeting on Security and Non-Proliferation Sofia, Bulgaria






University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Serbia


UNITAR- UN Institute for Training and Research



Conference of European Churches –CEC



LL.B., LL.M, Major in International Law (1985)


Fellowship in Peace-making and Preventive Diplomacy, Oslo, Norway (2018)


Freedom of Religion or Belief and populism –

Summer School on Human Rights, Spain (2018)



George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies


Institute of World Affairs

New York University


School of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade



United Nations Disarmament Fellowship Program


Training, Executive Program in Advanced Security Studies, Germany (2006)


Conflict Resolution and Negotiation for Diplomats New York, U.S.A. (1997)

Workshop, International Humanitarian Law (1993)


TEMPUS Program on international Law and Diplomatic relations (1991 -1992)


UNODA, Geneva, New York, (05-12/1990)





Serbian - mother language

English - fluent, STANAG certificate level 3

French – intermediate, Spanish – basic






History, Archaeology and Fine Arts


AIK Banka     Comtrade     Crowne Plaza Belgrade     Delta Auto     Erste Bank     MK Commerce     Advokatska kancelarija Stevanović     Todoxin     Agricom

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Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic