Task Forces


Confidence Building in Korean Peninsula and the Balkans

Looking for a New Approach and the Helsinki Process

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea and East-West Bridge have the honor to welcome you to the political seminar Confidence Building in Korean Peninsula and the Balkans – Looking for a New Approach and the Helsinki Process. The aim of this seminar is to exchange experiences between Korean Peninsula and the Balkans and look for a new approach to confidence building. Renewed speakers from Korea will present examples from Korea, focusing on policies such as Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative, which is a key element of Trustpolitik. Speakers from Serbia will also share their new policies and the current situation in the region. Through discussion with speakers and looking at the Helsinki Process and the work of OSCE, this seminar will be of a great benefit to promoting common goals and practices.


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East-West Bridge
Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic  milica.krstic@ewb.rs