Brief Description: Tireless humanist and environmentalist, has devoted much of his life fighting for the right of humanity to enjoy a habitat justice regardless of class, gender or nationality.
I was born in Venezuela in the bosom of a poor family on May 8, 1942.
Professional with expertise in the area of industrial relations, I served for many years as chairman and CEO of several companies and institutions, national and multinational companies, among which are: State Telephonic of Venezuela (CANTV), Maintenance CA Fuller, Marriott in fligth Service of Venezuela, Rena Ware, Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (ICM), Bank Wheelchairs (BANDESIR) Jorcent Medical Suplies CA and United American Investment Corporation, Inc. (USA).
My association with different movements to defend human rights motivated me to write several essays on topics related to social and gender issues involving women in search of personal fulfillment and family.
I am the creator and promoter of the international project "Mothers Entrepreneurs".
Summits, conferences and international meetings I have attended, among others:
- I Biannual World Summit for Innovative Education (WISE) Nov. 2009 - Doha-Qatar
- Preparatory Meeting of the UN Conference IV with LDCs March 28 to 29, 2011 NY – USA
- Fourth UN Conference on LDCs 9 to 13 May 2011 Istanbul-Turkey
- XI IDB-Civil Society Meeting 6 to 7 October 2011 Asuncion Paraguay
Current national and international positions:
President of the Asociacion Civil Humanity – , Registered in the United Nations and Support of the Global Compact
Ambassador in Venezuela of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
Ambassador in Venezuela of theInternational Human RightsOrganization (IHRO)
Cultural Ambassador of the RoyalSultanato de Sulu& Sabah
Member of the Global Compact of the United Nations
Ambassador of the Spmuda International Humanitarian Organization
Adviser of the Global Unification International (GUI)
Ambasador and National Commander in Venezuela of the International Blue Cross (IBC)
National Commander in Venezuela of the Order of the Southern Cross
Representative for 6 Latin American Countries, Association Swiss Morning Star, Swiss
Distinciones Internacionales:
Caballero Preferente del principado de Asturias
Jorge Enrique Hernández
C.I. V-2075218 – Pasaporte # Ven 022521806