One of Serbia's foremost experts in civil aviation and security, Goran is a legal regulation adviser in the Civil Aviation Directorate.
Goran was born in 1964 in Zagreb where he also graduated and won his MA in law. He completed his bar exam in Belgrade in 1996.
His career includes Deputy Secretary General of the Government of Serbia and member of the Board for the Legal System and State Organs of the Government of Serbia (2000-2004). In the same period Goran was a member of the Serbian Election Commission.
Security and Safety Manager of the Belgarde Airport Nikola Tesla (2004-2009) and Deputy Director General of the Civil Aviation Directorate of Serbia (2009-2013).
He participated in scores of international conferences pertaining to civil aviation including: FAA Washington, 2005, Tel Aviv 2005, EFAA Salzburg 2005, Prague 2006, FAA-TSA USA 2006, Osijek 2006, Israel 2007, EFAA Brussels 2007, ICAO-ECAC Kiev 2008, ECAC Strassbourg 2009, ECAC Paris 2009, EUROCONTROL Brussels 2009, ICAO Montreal 2010, COSPAS SARSAT Montreal 2010, Koeln 2010, 2011, Wisbaden 2011, Aranđelovac 2012, Ankara 2012, Brussels 2012, Albourg 2012. He represented the CA Directorate in ICAO, ECAC, EUROCONTROL, EASA, COSPAS SARSAT, EC, SES, ISIS.
Goran also trained in state administration at the State Administration Academy in Vienna in 2001, election systems at the British Association For Central and Eastern Europe, state administration in the Czech Ministry of the Interior, Prague, State and Local Administration, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2003, Public Administration, US Department of State, SAD, 2003, Management of Aviation Security“ - IATA Aviation Training and Development Institute, Geneva 2005, Civil Aviation Chief Executives Programme, Singapore Aviation Academy 2010.
Goran also completed the following specialist courses: Modul 0 AVSEC „Questions 2005“ in ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Centre, Kiev 2006, National auditor - inspector of aviation security- ICAO ASTP 123, Kiev 2007, Crisis Management - ICAO ASTP 123, Kiev 2007, Command and Control Integrated Security, Israel 2007, Aviation Security and Risk Assessment Management Course, Singapore Aviation Academy 2008, Airport Security Management Course, Antiterrorism Assistance Program, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State, 2010 and Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Basic Coruse, The Royal Danish Air Force, 2010.