
Professor Kenan Ademović

/LL.D. Doctor of Law/ - Kenan Ademovic,

Attorney at Law

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business Economy, University in Travnik-Scientific field “Bussiness Law“

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Law, University in Sarajevo-Scientific field “Administrative Law“

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the International University of Sarajevo-Scientific field “State and International Public Law“

Curriculum Vitae


1. Family name:


2. First names:


3. Date of birth:

1 February 1971

4. Nationality:


5. Civil status:


7. Education:



Institution (Date: from - Date to)

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained

Canton Sarajevo Parliament 2010-2014

Member of Canton Sarajevo Parliament

University of Sarajevu, Faculty of Law, 2014


Theses „European Constitution and perspective of BiH towards european integrations“

Federal Bar Association, Sarajevo (12/2006)

Attorney Exam – admitted to the Bar Association of the FBiH

Federal Ministry of Justice, Sarajevo (12/2005)

Bar Exam

University of Bologna and London School of Economics (1999-2001)

Master’s degree in European Studies. Diploma obtained in 2004, “European Studies“ Theses „Human rights in contest of islamic and european dialoque“

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law (1997-1999)

Postgraduate degree in law, “State and International Law”. Diploma obtained in 2002.

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law (1991-1995)

Master’s degree in law


Other trainings:

- Burch University, certificate of Attendance for “ International Conference on Regional and EU Intellectual Properz Challengers”- Sarajevo, 06.06.2014.

- Criminal Defense Section, Certificate for „War Crimes Hearing“, Sarajevo, BiH, 06-07.July 2014.

- Centre for interdisciplinary postgraduate studies, Project financed by the European Union, Certificate for “Competition policy and Law organized”, August 2007.

- Criminal Defense Section, Certificate for “Representation skills in criminal procedure”, Sarajevo, BiH, june  2007.

- Criminal Defense Section, Certificate for “Criminal procedure before Section I BiH Court”, April 2007.

- University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Certificate for “Laws, Human Rights and Political Institutions” course within the  “Post-communist transition and European Integration Processes” summer school, September 2000.

- International Management Centre, Budapest, Project Management Workshop, April 1999.

- Central European University, Certificate in International Business Law, Sarajevo, July 1999.


8.     Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)











Native speaker

Native speaker

Native speaker





9.     Membership of professional bodies:

■    Member of the ACIPS (Alumni Association for the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies)

10.  Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.):

■    Fully computer literate

11.  Present position:

■    Attorney at Law, partner Law firm Filipović - Ademović”,

12.  Years within the firm:16

13.  Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project)

■    12 years experience in the field of legal advice. Fields of expertise encompass criminal, business civil, property and labor law, elections, Constitutional and State courts, Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils and Public Administration (PA) reform. In particular, provides legal advice on PA, government and legislative reform issues to local government and public institutions in FBiH.

■    Complex international projects experience includes provision of expertise for the EC Delegation on Institution building support projects (“Support to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers (2003-2004)” and “Support to the Constitutional Court and State Court of BiH (2002, and “Strengthening BiH Health System for EU Integration (2006-ongoing), to OSCE in the fields of elections organization (2000) and PA reform (2005-ongoing), to the Office of the High Representative with regards to the “approximation of Legislation” in Brcko District (2002-2003) and to the judicial reform (2003-2004), and to Soros Foundation as program coordinator of a Law Center (1997-2000).

■    Thorough knowledge of EU legislative framework and best practice. Studied European Law and Institutions during MD in European Studies. Firsthand using EU legislation as benchmarking for law drafting (Public Employment, Civil Service etc.), and as a basis to draft recommendations for the institutional sustainability and performance (General Secretariat). Carried out a comparative analysis of EU legislation on local self-government in the course of FBiH Public Administration Reform.

■    Provided training to General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers staff in policy coordination, planning and monitoring and legal drafting and to the Brcko District Government staff in legal drafting.

14.  Specific experience in the region:



Date from - Date to

Bosnia and Herzegovina

From January 1996 – to date


15.  Professional experience:


Date from Date to






Feb. 2007 - ongoing

Bosnia and Herzegovina,


Attorney’s Office Meliha Filipovic and Ademovic

Attorney (partner)

■ providing legal advises to the companies regarding registration of the business, bankruptcy, liquidation.;

■ drafting various types of petitions (claims, law suits, appeals, complaints etc.);

■ drafting various types of legal documents (contracts, testaments, etc.);

■ representing the clients in law proceedings (criminal, labor, enforcement etc., administrative and other proceedings at the courts of all levels, state institutions, arbitration, as well as before legal entities;

■ defending and representing the defendant in criminal cases, minor offence cases and other types of cases where the responsibility of physical and legal entities is to be determined;

■ providing other types of legal aid to physical and legal entities in order to protect their rights and interests.


June 2015-July 2015

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Justice Project in BiH

Legal Expert,

Working on Enforcement procedure Law

■ Analysis of Laws and legislation pertaining to Enforcement Procedure of the Republika Srpska and of the Federation of BiH, conduct interviews with members of the High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, identify gaps and obstacles in the enforcement procedure etc.


May 2011-March 2013.

Bosnia and

Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Progeco, Italy

Legal Expert,

Project Development of Central Bodies of Governments in BiH

§ responsibility for permanent provision of support to the team leader in implementation of the project activities,

§ working individually with representatives of the governments/the Council of Ministries, especially in the area of legal analyses and legal regulation drafting,

§ coordinating and supervision of the other relevant experts’ activities.



December 2007 – 2008.March

Bosna i Hercegovina, Brčko

Agenore d.o.o

Main coordinator „Development of strategy for enviroment protection Brčko District BiH 2008-2018“

§ Revision of legal and institutional framework of enviromental protection strategy of Brčko District;

§ Participation in public presentation of sraft Strategy;

§ Making addendums to the strategy draft based on the comments and suggestions gained from public presentation of the Strategy.

July 2006 – March 2008

Bosnia and Herzegovina,


Sofreco, EC Delegation

Legal Expert EU Project “Strengthening BiH Health System for EU Integration”

■ support to the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Entity Ministries to develop the capacity to introduce and conduct unified, equitable and sustainable health care system prepared for the EU integration;

■ helping to establish at the state and entity level related to policy formation, quality of health care and evidence based planning and monitoring of health care;

■ introducing and development of functions at the state, entity and level of institutions related to EU integration of BiH health care system;

■ helping in strengthening the Department for Health within Ministry of Civil affairs;

■ helping in establishing the Department staff capable to plan human resources and capacities for health care;

■ helping to establish an inter entity Health Council with regular meeting;

■ helping to establish an Unit for health statistics.




Jan. 2005-June 2006



Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo


Legal Advisor, Public Administration Reform

■ Assessing weaknesses in the legislative functioning within executive and legislative structures in FBiH and developing strategies to improve legal transparency and quality of legal documents;

■ Providing legal advice on public administration, government and legislative reform issues to local government and public institutions at municipal level;

■ Providing input to the creation of manuals and rule books to be used of municipal level;

■ Making comparative analysis of legislation and by-laws with European laws on local self-government, in particular the European Chart on Local Self-Government, in case of planned and adopted amendments;

■ Attending federal assembly sessions when issues of relevance to PA Reform are on the agenda and reporting on the status of the law (adoption or rejection);

■ Updating legal database with the latest domestic and international legal issues and making sure that information was disseminated among relevant OSCE staff.


Dec. 2003

Dec. 2004


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Progeco Srl,

EC Delegation

Long term legal expert

EU Project: “Support to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of BiH”:


■ Drafted recommendations based on EU best practice and assisted the General Secretariat (GS) in devising its structure and improving its capacity and performance;

■ Assisted the GS in preparing and/or revising relevant legislation; advised on the legal drafting of the Rule Book, on relevant rules of procedures and on legal amendments related to the CoM;

■ In partnership with BiH Agency for Civil Service, delivered training to the GS staff in policy coordination, planning and monitoring and legal drafting.


Oct. 2003

March 2004


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Office of the High Representative,

High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils (HJPCs)

Judicial Reform Officer

■ Provided legal and operational support to the 3 HJPCs, and acted at a departmental liaison;

■ Reviewed incoming dossiers related to appointment and discipline of judicial officials (judge and prosecutors) and other HJPCs staff, analyzed legal issues and drafted reports for judges and barristers on judiciary reform of BiH;

■ Prepared dossiers for disciplinary sessions for the Independent Judicial Commission (IJC) and the Disciplinary Prosecutor;

■ Drafted correspondence of the HJPCs on legal issues related to their decisions and to interpretation of the regulations;

■ Participated in the organization and preparation of the sessions of the HJPCs;

■ Conducted legal preparation of high-level meetings with Ministries of Justice, Supreme and State Courts Presidents, Constitutional and lower tier courts and Prosecutors Offices;

■ Maintained operational contact and co-ordination on legal issues within and outside the HJPCs with persons and organizations involved in the work of the Councils.


May 2002

Oct. 2003


Bosnia and Herzegovina,


Office of the High Representative Brcko

Legal Officer

■ Dealt with all aspects of administrative reform and the development of the legal framework for the integrated PA in the Brcko District;

■ Reviewed and harmonized entity legislation applicable in the Brcko District and its conformity with the Final Award and the Statute. Drafted corresponding regulations particularly related to PA including the Law on Public Employment, and the Law on Civil Service, in accordance with the principles of respective State Laws;

■ Monitored and advised on the decision-making process, the interrelations of the various PA sectors in accordance with the statute and legal framework of Brcko District and the implementation of District legislation;

■ Was responsible for the establishment and delivery of training for the Legal Department staff within the Brcko District Government in legal drafting;

■ Assisted Brcko District Government in consolidating their legal resources.


Feb.2002 May 2002


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Berlioz Consulting /

EC Delegation

Short term legal expert EU Project “Support to the Constitutional Court and the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

■ Compiled and analyzed documents (including production of statistics) related to the Constitutional Court of BiH on court decisions and appeals.


Sept. 2001

April 2002

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo





Market Investment Group, Fund Management Company

Expert Associate

■ Organized and supervised the law section of the firm;

■ Organized and coordinated all the general meetings of the shareholders, the meetings of the Supervisory Board;

■ Assessed and prepared all the proposals, rules of conduct, and other normative acts of the company, abiding all the written laws and the company’s Statute;

■ In charge of coordinating all personal and administrative projects.


Febr. 2001

July 2001

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Law Firm Filipović

Law clerk in Law office

■ Prepared dossiers for Criminal Law, Civil Law, Property Law and Labor Law cases.


April 2000

Dec 2000


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo


Deputy Director of Voter Registration Branch

■ Supervised the work of the registration officers, in order to ensure accurate processing of voter registration activities;

■ Advised and instructed Local Officers and Local Registration Officers via Regional Centers;

■ Participated in the investigation of the deletion of duplicates from Voters Register;

■ Developed the procedures of the 18 years olds registration, the deceased names deletion and other specific cases registration from Voters’ Registers.


Jan. 1997

April 2000

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Soros Foundation

Open Society

Programme Coordinator

■ Within the Law Center managed contacts with NGOs and other institutions regarding training of judicial staff (judges, lawyers etc.);

■ Organized round tables and seminars, and coordinated with other partners.


Jan. 1996

Dec. 1996

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

Law Firm Filipović

Law clerk

■ Prepared dossiers for Criminal Law, Civil Law, Property Law and Labor Law cases.



16.  Other relevant information: relevant publications


■    “Joint Ventures in EU” – magazine Legal Advisor- December 2002 Sarajevo

■    “Bosnia and Herzegovina and EU – mutual recognition of expert qualification” (diplomas, certificates) - magazine Legal Advisor – March 2003 Sarajevo

■    “Consumer protection in the EU” - magazine Legal Advisor – September 2003 Sarajevo

■    “EU and global economy” – business magazine Prizma June 2004 Sarajevo

■    “Financial Institutions of EU – European Investment Bank”- business magazine Prizma September 2004 Sarajevo

■    “Financial Institutions of EU – European Central Bank”- business magazine Prizma October 2004 Sarajevo

■    “Financial Institutions of EU – European Investment Fund”- business magazine Prizma November 2004 Sarajevo

■    “Possibility for business activities of the USA in BIH and vice versa” – business magazine Prizma May 2004 Sarajevo

■    “Transnational companies in global economy” – business magazine Prizma   March  2004 Sarajevo

■    Book: “Democracy Assessment in BiH” (contributing author) – Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina March 2006 Sarajevo

■    Book:” European Constitution and BiH perspective towards European Integrations“ August. 2014.-Sarajevo


AIK Banka     Comtrade     Crowne Plaza Belgrade     Delta Auto     Erste Bank     MK Commerce     Advokatska kancelarija Stevanović     Todoxin     Agricom

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Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic