
Siniša Mitrović

Sinisa is an environment analyst, a passionate naturalist devoted to the preservation of the natural capital in Serbia and the Balkans. His greatest career contribution is to boost the development of Valjevo, the Serbian town where he was born, and its renaissance during which he helped build a modern gallery, the Petnica Nature Research Station and rally young people to boost economic growth in the region.

His biggest successes were in saving and protecting rare bird species in Serbia, including salvation from extinction of a rare type of white-headed eagle in the Tresnjica canyon near Ljubovija. He has volunteered for the past 25 years as the leader of the NATURA Centre for Natural resources, the national organization for environment and natural resource protection in Serbia.

Sinisa was politically active in the 90ties and in the October revolution in 2000. Since 2001, he was a deputy in the Serbian Parliament and deputy head of the Democratic Opposition (DOS) parliamentary group. He chaired for three years the parliamentary Environment Committee.  Since 2005, he was advisor to several ministers and the Prime Minister of Vojvodina.

Sinisa is now working in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce on issues pertaining to the green growth of the Serbian industry, ecological European integration and application of best technologies and waste and waste water management. He is one of the leading promoters of the doctrine of circular economy as a new tool of competitive economy, energy efficient and responsible towards local communities.    

He is an author of several studies for international organizations like ILO and UNOPS pertaining to the inclusion of the Roma community into the business sector. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Global Compact of the United Nations in Serbia and chairs the group for the promotion of the Millennium goals of sustainable development, adopted in New York in 2015. He is actively involved in including SMEs in the promotion of sustainable development of local communities, preservation of values of local resources and better quality of life in creating new jobs.

He is one of the founders of the MISIJA Foundation, a think tank seeking answers to the challenges Serbia will face in the future. Sinisa also lectures at the FUTURA Faculty for applied ecology, married with two children.

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Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic