
Professor Naida Ademovic

Dr.sci.Naida Ademovic, Civ.Eng.

Naida Ademovic was born in 1973 in Sarajevo where she finished four grades of the Elementary School. She moved then to Cairo, Egypt where she lived for two years and finished her 5th grade in El Alsson School and 6th grade in CAC (Cairo American College). After returning to Sarajevo, she completed her Elementary School. She enrolled at the I Gymnasium in Sarajevo where she completed two years of study. In 1989 she moved to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where she finished an International Community School of Addis Ababa and obtained a High School Diploma.

She completed the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo, and was best student in the past 10 years. She obtained her first Master of Science in Computational Engineering at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, as a DAAD Scholarship Holder. The title of the thesis was: "Probabilistic simulation of RC members under long-term mechanical loading". She was one of the three best students in her generation.

Additionally, she received a scholarship from the European Commission for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions. She attended this master in the University of Padova and defended her thesis entitled: "Structural and Seismic Behavior of Typical Masonry Buildings from Bosnia and Herzegovina" at the University of Minho, Guimarães in Portugal. Currently she is the only person in B&H with such a Master Degree.

She obtained her PhD at the University of Sarajevo, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo, and the theme of this thesis was: "Behavior of Masonry Structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Effect of Earthquakes from the Viewpoint of Modern Theoretical and Experimental Knowledge" and gained the title of the Doctor of Technical Science.

Since 2001 she is working at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo as well as in the Institute for Materials and Structures of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo and dealing with different projects in the practice, like design of bridges, design of structures, revision of different projects, testing of different structures, structural elements etc. Currently she holds a position of Assistant Professor at this Faculty.

Naida Ademovic is the 3rd generation of civil engineers in her family.

She worked as an local expert in several projects of the European Commission, B-H Bridges Reconstruction Unit, Sarajevo; Technical Assistance Unit for EC Assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina. As well, she was employed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Transport (Bridges, Roads, Airports, Railways and Border Crossings) and Energy Sector. She worked for a USAID project Private Sector Accounting Reform Project as an Assistant /Translator to the Chief of Party.

Naida Ademovic is fluent in English language.

She is an author of two books, many article regarding civil engineering matters, etc.

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