
Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister

Date of birth: September 28, 1975


Skills and Qualifications Summary: 


Highly proficient in: Program Management, Communications and PR, and Organizational Development.  Detailed knowledge of the political dynamics and government institutions in Serbia; relevant media and key players in different economic sectors; high technical proficiency in program planning, monitoring and evaluation methods; and high professional capacity for written analysis and reporting in both Serbian and English language.  Over nine years of experience in senior management and consulting positions.  Experienced liaison with senior Serbian and international government officials and development of briefing materials and presentations.  Excellent training, organizational, facilitation and mediation skills.



Education:           University of Hull                                                                                     Hull, UK

                              Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing                      2001


                              Northwood University of Michigan                                          Midland, MI, USA

                              Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)                                        1998


                              V Belgrade Grammar School                                                    Belgrade, Serbia

                              Department of Science and Mathematics                                             1994


Professional Experience:


Continental Wind Serbia (CWS)                                                                              Belgrade, Serbia

Communications and Strategic Development Director                      October 2011 – Present

Prime Minister of Serbia. Previously she was in charge of all Government relations and relations with diplomatic missions interested in fostering renewable energy sources in Serbia with the goal that Serbia adopts legislation which will allow private investments into wind farm development.  Guiding public awareness campaigns of the benefits and importance of renewable energy, and directing the work of the Serbia Wind Energy Association (SEWEA). 


Booz Allen Hamilton                                                                                                Belgrade, Serbia

Acting Director

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Serbia Competitiveness Project                                                   October 2007 – October 2011

During the Project duration (from October 2007 to October 2011) progressed from Communications Advisor (October 2007 to August 2010) to Deputy Director (August 2010 to August 2011) to Acting Director (from August 2011) to Project lose out.  As one of the key Project personnel, in charge of communication and relations with donor (USAID), as well as individual project stakeholders (SMEs, Government institutions, NGOs, educational organizations, and other service providers).  Externally, working with selected industrial sectors in Serbia (renewable energy sources, ICT, tourism, construction, wood processing, film and production, and Green Building) on improving their communications, marketing and promotion capacities, in order to gain access to regional and international markets, and increase their exports and sales.  Taking the lead in media relations, developing e-newsletters on USAID Economic Development activities, Competitiveness website (, and E-cards on Project’s accomplishments.  From August 2010 promoted to Deputy Director in charge of all policy issues, communications, and workforce development work, weekly and monthly reporting, and presentations of the Project to external audiences and partners.  In that capacity, facilitated establishment, and directly involved in building their advocacy and lobbying capacities, of the Serbian Wind Energy Association (SEWEA), industry association composed of companies interested in investing approximately EUR 1.5 billion and building wind farms of total capacity over 1,000 MW.  Finally, as Acting Director, leading the team through the Project close out.


The Urban Institute (UI)                                                                                           Belgrade, Serbia

Senior Program Coordinator

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Municipal Economic Growth Activity (MEGA)                             October 2005 – October 2007 

Serving as Senior Program Coordinator, in charge of three key project functions: (a) coordination with project stakeholders, i.e. USAID/US Embassy, other international donor programs, Serbian Government, its teams and agencies; (b) work planning and reporting, i.e. preparation of semi-annual reports and annual work plans, briefing materials for the client, project presentations, etc; (c) communications and public outreach, i.e. project website, success stories, photo gallery, media relations, etc.  As a member of Senior Management, making sure the project runs smoothly, that all program components function as one team, and that resources are used so as to reach the maximum Economies of Scale.  Keeping daily contact with USAID as well as project beneficiaries in order to monitor the progress of the project.


Development Alternatives, Incorporated (DAI)                                                       Belgrade, Serbia

Director of Information and Public Outreach

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Serbia Local Government Reform Program (SLGRP)                October 2002 – October 2005 

In charge of overseeing development and implementation of all internal and external program information management for the Serbia Local Government Reform Program (SLGRP).  Directly responsible for coordination with USAID/SCG Public Information Office; other USAID project implementers; Serbian local, republic and state government; and media.  Also directed reporting of seven independent program teams within the SLGRP under a comprehensive communications strategy for documenting achievements and promoting the reform efforts of the SLGRP in Serbia.


Development Alternatives, Incorporated (DAI)                                                       Belgrade, Serbia

Leader of the Regional Communications and PR Competency Group

                                                                                                                  May 2003 – October 2005 

Appointed by DAI Headquarters to lead the DAI Regional Communications and PR Competency Group for replicating successful communication strategies in other governance development projects in the region (Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania).  As the Group Leader directed the effort of Communication Advisors of three different USAID-funded local governance projects, and produced a number of deliverables to guide successful projects communications.


BDPA                                                                                                                       Belgrade, Serbia

Media Expert                                                                                             March 2002 – May 2002 

Responsible for effective PR for the EU-funded ‘Support to the Agriculture Sector in Serbia’ program.  Developed promotional materials, managed message development and press relations with local media outlets and worked with program beneficiaries to evaluate program activities and accurately assess and report program impacts. 


Serbian Information Center                                                                        London, United Kingdom

Admin and Media Officer                                                                   March 1999 – October 2002 

Directly responsible for maintaining effective interaction between reformist political parties in Serbia and civil society and media organizations in the UK.  Developed mailing lists and databases to coordinate diverse information needs.  Organized conferences and other large scale events to maintain awareness of the reform agenda in Serbia and facilitate consistent and timely information related to a common message.  Working within a small team to facilitate the efficient information exchange between democratic parties in Serbia and relevant institutions in the UK.    



Consulting and Training Experience:


PEXIM Foundation                                                           Belgrade, Serbia and Skopje, Macedonia

Executive Director and Member of the Managing Board                        March 2010 – Present

In charge of development of PEXIM Foundation, a private, not–for–profit organization founded in 2010 with headquarters in Belgrade, Serbia, and Skopje, Macedonia, as a vehicle to support talented students from both countries to continue their studies at the University of Cambridge.  Successfully negotiated a co-funding scheme with Cambridge Overseas Trust (COT) to establish a joint PEXIM Cambridge Scholarships fund, as well as co-funding agreement with the Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports, and ensured support from Serbian and Macedonian Governments, and UK Embassies in both countries.  The aim of the Foundation is to perpetuate the advancement of EU integration and competitiveness of Serbia and Macedonia by developing leaders who are prepared to dedicate their knowledge, experience and skills to improve their country’s capacity for political, social and economic development in order to compete effectively in the global market. 


The Government of Serbia                                                                                      Belgrade, Serbia

Coordination Body for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

Advisor to Director                                                                        September 2007 – March 2010

In charge of coordination between the Government of Serbia Coordination Body for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa Municipalities and international organizations and foreign governments, most notably USAID, EU Delegation, UK Embassy, German Embassy, SDC, and UNDP.  Additionally, in charge of increasing the visibility of the Government of Serbia Coordination Body and its presence and appreciation with local community.    


IREX                                                                                                                        Belgrade, Serbia

Trainer (Communications and PR for Media Associations)                                      June 2008

Preparation and delivery of trainings in communications and PR for media associations.  The training was organized in cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).


Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE)                                                      Belgrade, Serbia

Trainer in the subject Human Resources at the Local Level                           September 2007

Short-term consultancy as trainer in “Human Resource Development at the Local Level”.  This training was a part of the workshop “Challenges of Regional Development in the European Integration Context” organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE), Serbia, and the Academy for Political Development, Zagreb, Croatia.  The workshop gathered young leaders, political party, and local government representatives from both Serbia and Croatia. 


Romania Governance Reform Program                                                          Bucharest, Romania

Public Outreach Specialist                                                                                    November 2003

Assisted program staff to develop and implement the USAID funded Romania Governance Reform and Sustainable Partnership Program (GRASP) ‘Celebrating Success’ campaign.  Facilitated a planning process to identify effective messages for target audiences and establish a comprehensive communications strategy for the program.


Labus for President Campaign - Serbia                                                                  Belgrade, Serbia

Press Office Consultant                                                                             August – October 2002

Monitored print, electronic and broadcast media in Serbia to track development of key political issues and trends related to running an effective political campaign for President of Serbia. 


Serbia Local Government Reform Program                                                           Belgrade, Serbia

HRM and PR Trainer for Local Government Managers                              June – August 2002

Developed and delivered trainings on constituency communications, human resource management, media relations, and customer service to local government managers and agency representatives in Serbia.





  • Ana S. Trbović, Andrew Vonnegut, Ana Brnabić, Sharon Valentine, William Seas, (2008), Competitiveness Potential of 11 Sectors of Serbian Industry. Transition, EU Accession and Related Subjects, Kopaonik Business Forum 2008


  • Brnabić, A., Glušac, B., Ješić, G., Joksimović, V., Nešić, J., Runić, D. (2007), The Rule of Law – Concrete Challenges in Serbia, Manual for Local Communities. Democratic Transition Initiatives (DTI), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)


  • Brnabić, A. (2001), How Market Segmentation Affects Corporate Performance. The University of Hull


  • Brnabić, A. (2001), Customer Service Policy Manual. Serbia Local Government Reform Program


  • Brnabić, A. (2004), Communications and PR Toolkit: Communication Strategies. Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)


  • Brnabić, A., Gizdavić, R., Pashaj, E., Teodorović, I. (2004), How to Establish a Citizen Assistance Center in Your Community. Serbia Local Government Reform Program


  • Brnabić, A., Rosenberg, S. (2003), Governance and Public Sector Management: A Serbian Partnership for Local Government Reform. Developments (A quarterly newsletter of Development Alternatives, Inc.)


  • Brnabić, A., Jutkowitz, J.M. (2003), Building Local Staff Competency. Developments (A quarterly newsletter of Development Alternatives, Inc.)


  • Brnabić, A., Popović, A., Petrović, D. (2004), Technical Innovation Makes the Difference. Developments (A quarterly newsletter of Development Alternatives, Inc.)


  • Jandlova, E., (contributions made by Brnabic, A., Gladovic, L., Milosevic, M., Pashaj, E., Pavlovic-Krizanic, T., Teodorovic, I., Vasiljevic, D.), (2004), Local Communities in Serbia: How to Become an Effective Voice for Citizens. Serbia Local Government Reform Program





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East-West Bridge
Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic