
Milan Milišić

Milin Milišić is the President of the Student Parliament at the University of East Sarajevo and a Vice President of the Student Union of the Republic of Srpska. He was born in 1993 in Sarajevo, BiH.

Milan is a student of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of East Sarajevo. From 2016 he served as the President of the Student Union of the Republic of Srpska, representing and protecting interests of over 40.000 students. He presided over the Student Union of the Faculty of Agriculture and was the Vice President of the Student Parliament at the University of East Sarajevo in multiple terms. Milan implemented a dozen youth and student projects which have contributed to the improvement of student conditions at both public universities at the Republic of Srpska.

He is the founder of NGO "Pravda" (Justice) through which he pursed to implement project in the field of supporting and promoting human rights in BiH. In addition, Milan is a successful entrepreneur by maintaining his family business, employing around a hundred young educated individuals.

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Jovana Subotica 5
11080 Zemun, Serbia

Contact: Milica Krstic