
Petar Đukić

Petar (Borislav) Đukić was born on May 30, 1996 in Prijedor, the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.      

He finished his elementary school in Donja Previja, municipality of Ribnik (Elementary school “Nikola Mačkić”), as the valedictorian and a bearer of “Vuk Karadžić” diploma for excellent achievement and conduct during schooling in elementary school. He graduated from comprehensive high school in Ribnik (High School “Lazar Đukić”), with excellent grades, for which he got numerous praises and prizes. In 2014, he enrolled in the College of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska, in Banja Luka. During his studies the College was transformed into an organizational unit of the University of Banja Luka. He is currently a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Security Science at the University of Banja Luka, with the GPA 9.6/10. During schooling, in accordance with the curriculum, he passed practical trainings – machinery training, informative, professional and specialized practice of all levels in organizational units of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska, as well as field training where he gained practical knowledge and abilities in police tactics, including competence for handling of fire arms.

He is the author of many scientific and professional papers in the field of police organization and competence, security science, criminalistics and criminal law, and he is one of the authors of the monograph “Aspects of security in local communities in the Republic of Srpska”) published by European Defendology Center for Scientific, Political, Economic, Social, Security, Sociological and Criminological Research from Banja Luka. He was a participant of numerous national and international scientific and professional conferences and seminars in the field of security, criminalistics, legal and political sciences. He is a member of the Students’ Parliament of the University of Banja Luka and a President of the Assembly of the Students organization of  Faculty of Security science. He was a member of the Senate of the University of Banja Luka and a member of the Organizing comitee of 10th scientific conference “Students encountering science” – StES 2017. He is an active member of the Center for Security, Investigation and Defence (DBA) from Serbia. He showed an interest for scientific research, analysis of contemporary security challenges, risks and threats, as well as for functioning police and other security services.

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