Professor at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, Haider Abbas is a Cyber Security professional, academician, researcher and industry consultant, trained and certificated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Stockholm University, Sweden, Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Sweden, IBM, USA and EC-Council.
He received his MS in Engineering and Management of Information Systems (2006) and PhD in Information Security (2010) from KTH- Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Abbas has been appointed by Springer as full-time Regional Editor for the Neural Computing and Application (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 4.2) for all submission from Iran and Pakistan. He is also serving as full-time Associate Editor for the IEEE Communication Magazine (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 10.2), IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine/IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 3.5), Journal of Network and Computer Applications (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 3.9), Electronic Commerce Research (Springer) (ISI-Indexed, Q2, IF 2.2), IEEE Access (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 3.6), Cluster Computing (Springer) (ISI-Indexed, Q2, IF 2.5) and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (ISI-Indexed). He has also served as Lead Guest Editor for Future Generations Computer Systems (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF 3.9), Peer to Peer Networking and Applications (Springer) (ISI-Indexed)., IEEE Access (ISI-Indexed), Electronic Markets (ISI-Indexed) and Annals of Telecommunications (Springer) (ISI-Indexed).
Dr. Abbas has received several research grants totaling 180+ Million for ICT related projects from various research funding authorities and has been working on scientific projects in US, EU, KSA and Pakistan. His professional services include - but are not limited to - Journal Editorships, Industry Consultations, Workshops Chair, Technical Program Committee Member, Invited/Keynote Speaker and reviewer for several international journals and conferences. He has authored over 100 scientific research articles (with cumulative IF 140+, Citations: 2200+, H-Index: 25) in prestigious international journals (ISI-Indexed) and conferences. He is also serving as an adjunct Faculty Member at Florida Institute of Technology, United States. He is the principal advisor for several graduate and doctoral students at Florida Institute of Technology, United States, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, King Saud University, KSA, and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. He has also worked as Information Security Consultant for various multinational firms which include Government and Private organizations based in US, EU, Middle East and Pakistan. Dr. Abbas has received many awards from National and International organizations including Research Productivity Award from PCST, Best researcher award from MCS, NUST, CyberPatriot from US Air Force Association, USA and Research Excellence from COEIA, KSA. In recognition of Dr. Abbas services to the international research community and excellence in professional standing, he has been awarded one of the youngest Fellows of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK; a Fellow of The British Computer Society (BCS), UK and a Fellow of The Institute of Science and Technology, UK. He has also been elected to the grade of Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA.