Edoardo Campanella
Edoardo works as global economist at UniCredit Bank and is a Future World Fellow at IE University in Madrid. Edoardo previously worked for the economic research departments of the World Trade Organization, the World Economic Forum and the Italian Senate. He is also a Trilateral Commission Rockefeller Fellow Alumnus.
Edoardo holds a Master in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School, which he attended as Fulbright Scholar. Edoardo regularly contributes to Foreign Affairs, Project Syndicate and Foreign Policy. In 2015, he was shortlisted for the Bracken Bower Prize that is awarded by McKinsey and the Financial Times to emerging authors below the age of 35 for a book proposal on Europe’s elite brain drain. He has just published, with Marta Dassù, the book “Anglo Nostalgia: The Politics of Emotion in a Fractured West” (Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press).